quarta-feira, 26 de maio de 2010

Borkum Riff investindo forte nos tabacos puros

A Borkum Riff sempre foi uma marca relevante no mundo do cachimbo, como grande fabricante de tabacos que é.

Entretanto  ao menos no Brasil – , seu nome sempre esteve vinculado a tabacos medianos, geralmente aromatizados, deixando de lado os apreciadores de tabacos puros.

Felizmente, baseado nas próprias palavras da firma, isso está mudando. E a mudança começou a não muito tempo atrás, quando, sem muito alarde, surgiu um novo blend da Borkum Riff, focado exclusivamente em tabacos puros, sob o nome "Genuine", num blend composto de virgínias e burley.

Este tabaco acabou aportando inclusive no Brasil, o que é digno de surpresa, em função das diversas restrições existentes ao lançamento de novos tabacos por aqui. Na verdade, nos últimos tempos tínhamos mais marcas e blends deixando de serem distribuídos aqui do que novidades sendo lançadas.

Pois bem. Após o sucesso do lançamento anterior, num segundo movimento, a firma lança um novo blend de puros, sob o nome "Classic", que conforme já adiantado por um confrade cachimbeiro, é excelente. O blend é composto de virgínias e orientais, o que é um ótimo sinal, já que o anterior (Genuine) leva virgínias e burley, o que o deixa um pouco "quadrado" demais.

Leia o release completo do fabricante clicando no link mais abaixo.

Agradecimentos ao confrade Luis pela notícia na CAC.

Borkum Riff Classic – a strong successor to a Genuine success

Borkum Riff Genuine was the first product in the family with a pure tobacco taste launched onto the market – a market dominated by flavoured products. But the demand for a pure tobacco taste is growing and Genuine has quickly become a popular and natural choice for faithful and new Borkum Riff consumers alike. The past year has seen the product launched in no fewer than 20 different countries and become Borkum Riff’s biggest success in 10 years. Now comes the successor – Borkum Riff Classic – with even more of what made its predecessor great.
Borkum Riff Classic, like its predecessor, has a pure tobacco character with no taste of additives. And now the pleasure has been enhanced even further by meeting consumers’ requests for an even richer, full-bodied tobacco taste. A complex aroma of spiciness with flavour associations such as herbs, wood and nuts, offers a balanced and flavourful tobacco with personality. Not too strong and not too weak, but with an even stronger finish. To add yet another dimension to the exclusive experience, the smoking characteristics have been improved so that the tobacco burns more evenly and somewhat slower, making it easier to light and smoke. As a result, the product is perfect for the experienced pipe smoker and the beginner alike, providing a pleasant flavour with no tongue bite.
Like the other products in the family, Borkum Riff Classic is a very high quality product thanks to its makers’ in-depth expertise and years of experience – a foundation that has made Borkum Riff an internationally famous brand and one of the leading brands in the pipe tobacco market.
Borkum Riff Classic is the result of a careful blending of light and dark tobacco, attractive to the eye and with a pleasant scent with sweet and spicy notes. The dark part originates in France and the Philippines. The French contribution is a relatively unusual type of fire-cured tobacco from an area between Bordeaux to the west and Toulouse to the south, whose full-bodied smoked flavour combined with a soft and balanced flavour richness more than live up to Borkum Riff’s stringent requirements. The tobacco from the plantations on the shores of the South China Sea, along the west coast of Luzon – the most northerly of the islands that make up the Philippines – helps to further reinforce the unique character of the blend. To achieve a rounder taste with a more pronounced sweetness, the tobacco is heat-processed, which also contributes to the characteristic, almost black colour. Some of the tobacco has also been pressed together and then roughed up again. This is an old, tried and trusted method used to achieve a “superior experience of pleasure”, with a slower burn and a more full-bodied yet milder taste.
The light part of the pipe tobacco blend is half oriental tobacco. The variety carefully chosen to reinforce the pure taste of Borkum Riff Classic, and to give the product an exciting, new profile, grows in Bulgaria. Its flavour is not quite as dominant as traditional tobacco from Turkey or Greece, but it adds an aroma and taste all of its own, with sweet notes, and is often perceived as spicy. Like all oriental tobaccos, this too is sun-cured. The leaves are so small they must be threaded by hand onto lines to hang out in the hot sun like long necklaces, in different shades of green, brown and gold.
Some of the light Virginia tobacco has also been grown in Valle de Lerma, 1,182 meters above sea level – sheltered to the west by the Andes, far up in the northern tip of Argentina. It is not grown in large quantities, so hard work, dedication and a lot of patience is required to find the slightly more exclusive grades with a robust and pronounced tobacco taste. By harvesting the tobacco at exactly the right time, we have succeeded in generating the full-bodied aroma of freshly baked bread that characterises properly matured tobacco.
Tobacco cultivation is developing fast in India and the quality of the tobacco now being produced is comparable with the very best in terms both of taste and maturity. Which is why we have increased the amount of Indian-grown Virginia tobacco that we use. The leaves from Andhra Pradesh have very interesting flavour characteristics and are slightly milder, with a rounder, sweeter flavour than their South American equivalent. In Hungary, in the vicinity of the popular wine-growing region of Tokai, we have picked leaves that add a note of fresh, slightly sharp tobacco flavour to the blend.
With tobacco from three continents, carefully selected and processed by some of the world’s leading product developers and tobacco masters, Borkum Riff Classic is a modern pipe tobacco created to give every pipe smoker what he wants. With a little more of what makes a good product great, it offers a smoke experience with an even more pronounced tobacco taste – carefully balanced and with a richer finish – in a pipe tobacco that is also easier to smoke. A pipe smoker is a confident individual who can make his own choices in a world in which quality, diversity and taste experiences count. We don’t make the choices for him – we supply what we believe he wants.

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Confrade, gostaria de parabenizá-lo pelo blog sobre nosso eterno companheiro, o cachimbo. É triste observar que no Brasil temos uma oferta cada vez menor de tabacos de qualidade e de cachimbos. Praticamente os melhores produtos não vêm mais para cá. Esta é a minha primeira postagem, de outras que, se me permitir, farei. Saúde.

mdrabecki disse...

Confrade, seja sempre bem vindo ao blog!
Comente a vontade, opiniões são sempre bem vindas e enriquecem o conteúdo.

Um abraço e boas cachimbadas.